Saturday 30 January 2016

No, I don't wanna know "what's up?"!

We live in a world where everyone is so fearful and guarded. I'm tired of surface and meaningless interactions, meeting half-people who show only their good side, but hide the rawness, the real beauty, from the depth of their souls.
Because sometimes people hide not the ugliest or the scariest of them, but the most beautiful and the most gentle. 
And I love the moments when they unexpectedly reveal it, because my eyes see souls instead of bodies...
I don't enjoy small talk, I wanna talk about meaning of life, death, spirits, sex, music, your flaws... and mine's...
I like people with depth, who speak with emotion. Who let me in and tell me more about the stories I'm not part of... Your childhood memories, your favorite smells, what keeps you up at night, your insecurities and fears, your hopes and dreams. 
I love soul connections, I think I fall in love with anyone who shows me their real soul, without pretending, protecting, nor fear being judged. 
I'm not here to judge, I'm here to understand, I have a terrible genuine curiosity to get to know your naked soul.
Especially if it's "strange", for it's so beautiful to be different, to think different than others. 
 No plans, no promises, no agenda,  let me in fully or you leave me out. 
But no, I don't wanna know "what's up"! 

Monday 26 October 2015

Enjoying all the beautiful things life has to offer is not a "sin". It's a gift!

I would rather be around sinners, then around saints. 
Saints are boring. Sinners are free, colorful, creative, playful people. 

If all sinners go to hell,  then hell must be the most beautiful and fun place to be for eternity. 

And heaven must be the ugliest place, with all those sad, long faces! No entertainment, no dance, no music, no joy. Saints can't participate to such things. They can't drink, they can't smoke, what they can do?

But in "hell", all the beautiful people will be there, reunited in joy, without judging one another. As they have all sinned, but they don't have to hide it anymore.

*Adaptation from Osho - I fully resonated with the concept. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Don't look for the other half. Look for someone who's already whole.

His world was falling apart,  his life... a total invisible chaos... He was struggling to find himself. Even if he wanted to, he wasn't able to overcome his own pains. How could he take care of anyone else's emotional condition? 
He then met her, and he hoped she could help him heal his own wounds. She seemed happy, grounded and fulfilled, but she was also invisibly starving. Starving for attention, affection, love or simply for a pure soul connection.
 As she became obsessed  to fulfilling her own needs, she failed to see he wasn't capable of providing her with what she was  desperately craving for. 
And then she suffered. And blamed him for it. And wanted to revenge and hurt him, hoping the pain will go away.She eventually did. But the pain remained. 
She is now trying to burry it. Without acknowledging that the pain is the result of her own incapacity to accept that he was not what she wanted him to be. He just couldn't, even if he wanted to. That's all he's guilty for... 
And she hates him for it! 

Saturday 10 October 2015

I am made of silk... I am silk!

They accuse me of being deceiving; 
I am not deceiving, I compare myself to silk. It is they who are stupid and wrongly take gentleness and fairness for weakness, when they attempt to break me and can't.  

I have always appeared to be fragile and delicate but the thing is, I am not fragile and I am not delicate. I am very gentle but I can show you that the gentle also possess a poison. I am just made of silk.
People mistake silk to be weak, but a silk handkerchief can protect the wearer from a gunshot.

 Silk is a fine, delicate, soft, illuminating, beautiful substance. 
It is versatile, flexible, and flowing. But you can never rip it! 

If a man takes this tender silk and attempts to tear it, and cannot tear it, is he in his right mind to say "This silk is fake! I thought it was soft, I thought it was delicate, but look, I cannot even tear it" ?

Surely, this man is not in his right mind! The silk is not fake! This silk is 100% real. It's the man who is stupid!
Because instead of trying to enjoy the beautiful texture of the silk, he attempts to rip it apart. 

There are many more kinds of predators in this world, so I  want you to be made of silk.
You are silk.

Friday 8 May 2015

Live & remember: you are going to die one day!

No one wants to die. And still, death is inevitable for all of us. 
No one has ever escaped from it. 
But If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you will certainly be right. 
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way to avoid the trap of thinking you've got something to loose. 
Remembering that Ill be dead soon was the best tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything: all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - fall away in the face of dead, leaving only what's truly important. 
Death is the very best invention of life. It cleares out the old to make room for the new. We are the new now. Your time is limited so don't waste it living other people's life. Don't dodge your inner voice, listen to your heart and always do what you love. Even if it sounds madness to others. 
Look into the world and realize that everything that's out there was created by people that were no smarter than you are. And still, there's yet so much more to be discovered. 
Leave your personal print on this world. 
A print of love and passion, of perspective and creativity. With everything u do, u complete someone else's work. So leave something to be completed after u are gone!

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Aroganta suprema...

Suntem cu totii atat de "auto-importanti". Atat de aroganti.
Se pare ca fiecare vrea sa salveze cate ceva in ziua de azi.
Aud tot mai des sloganuri ca: "Salvati copacii!", "Salvati balenele", "Salvati melcii"! si chiar aroganta suprema: "SALVATI PLANETA!" !
Cand aud de astfel de intitiative, stau si ma intreb: oamenii acestia glumesc oare…?
"Salvati Planeta"? Dar nu e nimic in neregula cu Planeta, oamenii sunt problema!
De ce si  cum vor sa salveze planeta, cand majoritatea oamenilor nu stiu nici macar sa-si poarte singuri de grija, nu stiu cum sa isi aprecieze sau ingrijeasca aproapele?
Dragostea si compasiunea sunt necesitati umane, nu un lux. Caci fara de ele, omenirea nu va supravietui. Vom deveni o rasa de insensibili, handicapati emotional, roboti condusi de propriul egou.
Cultivati curajul, iubirea, bunatatea, caracterul,  ca sa "salvati omenirea"!
Omul limitat in gândire are impresia ca întreg pământul încape in curtea sa si uita ca fiecare interactiune umana e atat de unica, incat ar trebui pretuita mai mult decat orice altceva...

Thursday 1 January 2015

Conscious transit in 2015!

Another year has passed...
As I look back, I don't regret a single thing that happened to me or that I've done. 
Not because it was perfect, but simply because I take full responsibility for all my actions and the choices I've made! 
I've given to others what I wanted to receive myself... 
And I've received back everything that I gave out. It's that simple! 
I grew from each and every good or bad experience I've  had!  
And I trust that the quality of my future thoughts and choices will help me build a greater future - for myself and for those around me!